Using Crossover Mac With E- Sword

David Adams - (updated Thu 20 Jun 2019 08:58)

Reviewed by (Kenneth Mitchell, Tamarack, MN) - New King James Version® for e-Sword I use a hard copy of this version as my daily Bible. I also use the eSword version for study and sermon preparation. This bible reads very well and it extremely true to the original text. I highly recommend this the New King James version to anyone.

Publish or Perish version 7 is available as a native macOS application. You no longer need a virtual machine with Windows inside as you did for previous versions of Publish and Perish.

  1. Here is How to Use E-Sword and Merge with Ellen White Books. How to Use E-Sword and Merge with Ellen White Books. Here is a video that will show you how to use E-Sword, the best FREE Bible program out there. Near the end of this video you’ll see how to add Ellen White books and hundreds of other reference books to E-Sword.
  2. Rafia Shaikh. Nov 3. Need to uninstall e-Sword and then Crossover. Unfortunately I installed a new copy of an e-Sword / crossover bundle made for Linux, but did not realize that this would virtually destroy my existing., 08:45 AM. Descargar ahora CrossOver Linux desde Softonic: Descarga gratis, 100%.

Please refer to the macOS main page for installation instructions on macOS.

The remainder of this page is for archival purposes only.

Using Crossover Mac With E- Sword Download

This page contains the installation instructions for Publish or Perish on OS X, using CodeWeaver's CrossOver Mac version 10.x or later. If you use CrossOver Mac version 9.x or earlier, then use these instructions.

Using Crossover Mac With E- Swords

License agreement

Publish or Perish is provided courtesy of It is free for personal non-profit use; please refer to the End User License Agreement for the full licensing terms and conditions.

Installing Publish or Perish using CrossOver Mac 10.x

To install the Publish or Perish software on an OS X system with CroosOver Mac, you must first obtain and install a copy of CodeWeavers' CrossOver Mac.

For our testing we used CrossOver Mac Standard, version 10.0.1. This version has built-in installation support for Publish or Perish, which simplifies the installation.

If you use CrossOver Mac 9.x or earlier, then refer to these instructions.

Assuming that you have installed CrossOver Mac 10.x or later on your OS X computer, the installation procedure for Publish and Perish goes as follows.

1. Start CrossOver Mac from your computer's Applications folder.

2. On the CrossOver menu bar, choose the Configure menu, then Install Software.. This opens the CrossOver Software Installer window.

3. In the upper part of this window, close Supported Applications, open Unsupported Applications, then Community Supported Applications. The result should look like the following screen shot:

4. Scroll down in this list until you find Publish or Perish, then select that. This should preset the installer download from and a new winxp bottle for installation. See the next screen shot:

5. If everything seems to be in order, then click Install to start the Publish or Perish installation process.

Using Crossover Mac With E- Sword

6. CrossOver Mac will now create an emulated environment for the Publish or Perish installer. This may take some time, particularly if this is the first time that you install a Windows application with CrossOver Mac. After 5-30 seconds the first installer screen appears. Follow the instructions on the screen to install Publish or Perish.

/moon-mario-download-for-android.html. Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4


7. Installation is now complete. The CrossOver Finder window will open automatically and show the Publish or Perish software. You can click the Done button in the CrossOver Software Installer window to close it.

8. To start Publish or Perish, double-click its entry in the CrossOver Finder window. This folder is located under your Home folder, as Home > Applications > CrossOver.

You can also start Publish or Perish through the CrossOver menu bar, on its Programs menu. See the following screen shot:

Known issues

The general operation of Publish or Perish under CrossOver Mac is identical to the standard Windows usage. However, in our testing we have observed the following issues:

Shortcuts created by the installer do not show up on the OS X desktop
You must create them manually if you want them by creating a soft link to the Publish or Perish 3 Bottle on the OS X desktop.

Using Crossover Mac With E- Sword Pro

Copyright © 2019 David Adams. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Thu 20 Jun 2019 08:58

Using Crossover Mac With E- Sword And Shield

Web master of and developer of the Publish or Perish software, among other things. He holds BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering, a PhD in Operations Research, and likes to watch academic life from a safe distance.